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Hezhi Tape

Product Name: Hezhi Tape

Substrate: Hemp paper

Gel system: Propylene acid

Color: Yellow

Performance and purpose: Using paper as the substrate, the paper is soft and suitable for covering sports equipment, rubber, plastic components, construction sites, indoor and outdoor decoration, decoration spraying, and painting

Paper tape is usually not very sticky, so its advantage is that it is easy to tear off and there will be no residue after tearing off. The characteristics of paper tape bring us a lot of convenience in our daily lives. When applied to other things, there is no need to worry about being as difficult to tear as other tapes, and it also leaves a dark residue effect that looks beautiful. Therefore, it is widely used for sticking paper, beautifying, arranging, DIY and other purposes. Don't think that paper tape is not very sticky and can only be used for beautification and DIY. The temperature resistance function of paper tape is usually between 120 ° C and 260 ° C. It is often used for high-temperature processing concealment, fixing in electronic parts processing, fixing in electronic parts processing, printing circuit boards, painting concealment, and other purposes. Painting, baking paint, leather processing, and so on.

