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PE protective film

Product name: PE protective film

Glue: Acrylic acid glue

Substrate: PE (polyethylene glycol)

Total thickness: 0.04mm, 0.05mm, 0.07mm, 0.08mm (supports customized thickness)

Adhesive force: 3g-1000g (N/25MM)

Color: transparent, blue

Dimensions: 10mm wide, 50mm, 1200mm long, 200m, 500m (supports customized breakpoints, width, and length)

Ultra low viscosity protective film, low viscosity protective film, medium low viscosity protective film, medium viscosity protective film, high viscosity protective film, ultra-high viscosity protective film,

1. Ultra low viscosity protective film (i.e. micro bottom adhesive):

Features: thick (≥ 0.03mm ± 0.003), wide (≤ 1.3), high (100-1500), substrate (PE), peel strength (≤ 5g/cm), temperature resistance (60), tensile strength (>400)

Usage: Convenient to use, easy to stick and tear off, without residue, suitable for organic boards, instruments, display screens, glass lenses, plastic lenses, etc.

2. Low viscosity protective film

Features: thick (≥ 0.03mm ± 0.003), wide (≤ 1.3), high (100-1000), substrate (PE), peel strength (10-20g/cm), temperature resistance (60), tensile strength (>400)

Usage: Stable adhesion, good adhesion, good peeling performance, no residue, suitable for steel mirror panels, titanium metal, smooth plastic panels, screen printing, branding, etc.

3. Medium and low viscosity protective film

Features: thick (≥ 0.03mm ± 0.003), wide (≤ 1.3), high (100-1000), substrate (PE), peel strength (30-50g/cm), temperature resistance (60), tensile strength (>400)

Usage: Stable adhesion, good adhesion, good peeling performance, no residual adhesive phenomenon, suitable for furniture Baoli board, stainless steel board, ceramic tile, marble, artificial stone, etc.

4. Medium adhesive protective film

Features: thick (≥ 0.05mm ± 0.003), wide (≤ 1.3), high (100-1000), substrate (PE), peel strength (60-80g/cm), temperature resistance (60), tensile strength (>400)

Usage: Stable adhesion, good adhesion, good peeling performance, no residual adhesive phenomenon, suitable for surface protection of fine grain frosted boards and general difficult to stick materials.

5. High viscosity protective film

Features: thick (≥ 0.05mm ± 0.003), wide (≤ 1.3), high (100-800), substrate (PE), peel strength (80-100g/cm), temperature resistance (60), tensile strength (>400)

Usage: Stable adhesion, good adhesion, good peeling performance, no residue phenomenon, suitable for fine grain frosted board, aluminum-plastic board, difficult to stick plastic board, etc.

6. Ultra high viscosity protective film

Features: thick (≥ 0.04mm ± 0.003), wide (≤ 1.3), high (100-800), substrate (PE), peel strength (above 100g/cm), temperature resistance (60), and tensile strength (>400).

Usage: Extremely high viscosity

